Breakfast Burritos

My father’s mantra growing up was “Let’s make a bunch and freeze it!” Lasagna, chocolate chip cookies, balls of pie dough…our freezer was always full of tupperware and tinfoil. After years of making fun of his strange obsession with producing food en masse, I’ve come around and started making batches of breakfast burritos. It takes about 30 minutes (40, if you turn on the wrong burner) but hey, that’s 3 minutes a burrito! This latest project happened at 11:30 pm on a Sunday, naturally; I wouldn’t necessarily recommend starting involved projects late on a school night. 

– 10 tortillas (i got whole wheat ones)
– some vegetables (i used 1/4 a red pepper, 1/4 a green pepper, half a cup of corn and like 5 mushrooms)
– olive oil for cooking veggies
– refried beans. the annie’s ones are vegetarian.
– 8 eggs
– salsa or chopped up tomatoes
– whatever else you like in burritos. sometimes i add cheese, you could do potatoes or meat stuff if that’s your jam.

1)  cook the veggies in a pan with the oil. MAKE SURE that the burner you turn on is the one under the pan. that little step will save you like ten minutes.

2) scramble the eggs. i dumped the veggies in a bowl and used the same pan. meanwhile open up the salsa and the beans and put the tortillas on a plate. you’re ready to start assembling! 



Beans then Eggs then Veggies then Salsa

3) make your burritos. spread a big spoonful of beans on the tortilla, then some eggs, then some veggies, then some salsa. roll the burrito, wrap in tinfoil, repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat, stick ’em all in your freezer


lookin’ good, lil burritos!

Ta-da! You did it! to reheat, UNWRAP (no tinfoil in the microwave, duh) and microwave for like 1 min 30 seconds. 

Rating: Pterodactyl

Why is this good? these cost about $1.50 a burrito, which is way cheaper than anything you could buy that’s this good. they’re also perfect when you’re running out the door and you don’t want to eat a cookie for breakfast (you guys don’t eat cookies for breakfast? oh….awkward….). These ones don’t have any dairy or meat, great for a lactose-intolerant vegetarian, but you could easily adapt them to your own dietary needs. Even without dairy and meat, the beans and eggs pack a protein bunch that will keep you full for the whole morning. 

But you only gave it a pterodactyl rating! hey now, pterodactyl’s pretty good. however, these are a little labor intensive and let’s be honest, sometimes you just want to eat cookies for breakfast! plus they make a pretty big mess, especially if you don’t have a dishwasher, but I really think it evens out in the long run.

I’m bored of these ones. i have a bunch of variations i want to try, like adding avocado (not sure how it would keep in the freezer) or green chile sauce. I also want to make lunch ones that are less burritos and more wraps, with stuff like tofu and lettuce on the inside. Again, not sure how the lettuce would keep. the moral of the story is, if you find something you love, make a bunch and freeze it! start with small batches, before you know how it will turn out. It’s seriously too convenient and way cheaper than buying breakfast/lunch.  

One thought on “Breakfast Burritos

  1. Joe says:

    Great post. Another option to consider. I roll the finished burrito in wax paper instead of aluminum foil. I secure it with a small bit of scotch tape. Then you can put a whole bunch in a gallon size zip lock bag. They won’t stick together and you can pull them out one at a time, as needed. Also, later, you pop one into the microwave to de-thaw and/or fully heat without worrying about metal. Finally, perhaps it’s more environmental (???) though perhaps the creation of wax paper kills a lot of baby waxes? Don’t know.
    But hey, some good ideas here, I’m going to go make some burritos!

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